I first met Clare a few years ago when she was just starting out with her plan to launch an in-depth travel guide to travelling with a road bike around the world – Epic Road Rides. (epicroadrides.com)

Since then she has built a vibrant community of diverse cyclists from around the world who want to share their passion for cycling and visiting new places. Epic Road Rides has become a detailed resource for the cycling tourist – easy to read and full of information on cycling routes, places to stay and local culture.

Clare’s vision helps her readers find their commonality across borders, sharing their passion for travel, cycling and exploring new horizons – something we really need these days – and the guides have become more community-led, providing an opportunity for cyclists to share love for their own home roads and bringing riders from around the world closer together.

This year, Clare founded the Road Cycling Travel Network, bringing together organisations involved in European cyclo-tourism to share ideas and grow in a cooperative way.

Clare is always driven by a desire for like-minded people to benefit from each others’ experience. I would love for her to be recognised with this award.